And thankfully yes….. Search space was almost becoming boring. Almost everybody used Google and despite significant innovations by Yahoo ( I do like Glue pages ), search market was like the family soap operas. Let me divide search engine evaluation into various areas and place where different players are. Infrastructure…
Stuffed Capsicum Recipe
I don’t know how to write recipes the traditional way so my style will be more conversational. If you are looking for ingredients, time to cook, preparation method type of sections, I am sorry. Cooking is not a industrial process but an art. Something which you got to do with…
Politics, Relegion, Sports and Business – The ultimate conspiracy to fool common man
Year 2014. Election and IPL time again in the country. This time government has not found an excuse to export it out of the country. Pakistani government and terrorist ( what’s the difference anyways ) have almost forgotten to plan on interrupting IPL as they are busy killing their own…
SEO 101 – How to fix a fever without a thermometer
Freedom of expression – on a shoestring budget
It is not just Harry Potter who can make things fly. Journalists are the new age harry potters who are showering shoes all over the place. Bush and CPM ( I mean Chinese Prime Minister here ) Â are not the only guys who can claim to have benefitted from this…
Road Rage – Bangalore Ishtyle
Don’t tell me you never noticed it. So many people in town are trying either to kill others or getting killed using the greatest invention of mankind – wheels. You walk on a footpath, you have people in two wheelers honking at you. You drive a car around, people jump…
Food for thought
Let us start with disclaimers first….. I claim no expertise ( although I might have some ) in the areas I am trying to put fundas about. So here is my research topic, people across the word are trying to figure out, what works for their customers who come in…
Time to chat with Laila Â More details on how to use asklaila on Chat….
30 years gone by, not a day without missing you
Lot of water has flown through I was a kid 5 year old Playing around the home Not knowing what death means Seeing you lying there In your eternal sleep Life as a kid is always great You have clear thoughts And uncluttered mind Small memories of doing little things…