I hate going to Adyar Anand Bhavan which is also popularly known as A2B. Not that food is that bad but I know better ones. But more than that it is for a very different reason. Most of the times I have visited A2B with extended family and parents. When…

Poem : रिश्ता
बस दो ही रिश्ते अहम होते हैंएक दर्द का रिश्तादूसरा दर्द से रिश्ता दर्द के रिश्ते में होता हैबहुत कुछ साझा करने के लिएकई बार उस से दर्द कम होता हैकई बार बस बह जाता हैकभी बस एक अहसास देता हैकि दुनिया में और भी हैंजो दर्द के दरिया में…

Poem : तू कौन है
तू वो है जो तू चाहता था हमेशा से होनातू वो भी है जो वो बन नहीं पायातू वो भी है जो समझती है दुनिया तुझ कोतू वो भी है जो दुनिया को समझ में नहीं आता तू वो भी है जो कोशिकाओं के जुड़ने से बनता हैतू वो भी…

IIT Kanpur Ki Barat
It was late night in Jan of 1994. Five of us sitting in Hall 2 Galaxy Control Room and thinking what we could do for next days publicity event. Ideas came and were dismissed for various reasons. The night was getting longer and the ideas were going from bad to…

I don’t need a national language
I love my country I love my country men I love my country men’s love for their mother tongue I don’t need a national language I love it when my cab driver changes songs to my mother tongue I love it even when he keeps listening to songs in his…
Personal Finance 101
Video Presentation https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1K7sVAskYankd5cTZiCvMFociLpRg14hvrCOoVepqNt4/edit?usp=sharing
Unknown Picnic Spots Around Namma Bengaluru
Internet is a boon as well as a curse. You can find information easily and then everyone lands up at the same place. But I used the lockdown time to explore some really unknown places. These are places which don’t have a name. But you can drive down to these…
Audience Etiquette for Online Music Concerts
In the days of Covid19, hardly any offline concerts are happening and lot of online concerts are happening. We at BBG are also culprit of organizing so many of them. You can watch few of them here https://www.facebook.com/pg/BhooleBisreGeet/videos/ Now when you listen to online shows the good things to do…

Poem: मानवीय पीड़ा
किसी को घर में रहने का दुखकिसी को ना रहने के लिए घर होता हैमानवीय पीड़ा का भी आखिरआर्थिक स्तर होता है परदेस में तो हम भी थेदूसरा देश नहीं तो क्या प्रान्त थाअपने ना चाहे साथ थेपेट तो लेकिन शांत थाहम को घर पहुँचाने के लिएफिर क्यों कोई जहाज…
Pubsub vs Cron Job – Business Impact on PayTM and Amazon Pay
Lot of times when we do a tech feature, we are not very sure as a techie what business impact it will have. But this is a tech architecture issue which I am sure impacting these products for sure. Here I am talking about PayTM and Amazon Pay and I…